Our Worship Services
What should you expect to find at our Sunday morning services?
At Rock Dell & Our Savior's we believe that the one true God comes to us in his Word and Sacraments, with his grace and forgiveness. This is the central focus of our worship. We also pray, sing hymns, and give thanks to God for all that he has done for us!
We Use the Historic Liturgy of the Church
We use the historic liturgy (order of worship) of the church. We believe that the liturgy is a useful tool for teaching the basic and essential truths of the Christian faith. We use Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary in our worship. This hymnbook, put together by our churchbody, contains the historic liturgy of the Christian Church as well as a rich heritage of hymns. On a typical Sunday we use the Order of Service, "Rite 1." But we also use other services in the hymnbook as well.
We hear God's Holy Word
We hear the Word of God every Sunday morning. We typically have three lessons from Scripture, as well as a sermon in our Sunday morning worship service. In addition to this our liturgy is based on the Word of God. The Bible is the source of all Christian doctrine and teaching. We believe what the Bible says regarding itself, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for teaching, rebuke, and instruction in righteousness"(2 Tim. 3:16).
We Celebrate the Sacrament of the Altar
We celebrate the Sacrament of the Altar or "Holy Communion". Our Savior, Jesus instituted this meal for baptized Christians to eat and drink for the forgiveness of sins. We believe that we receive Jesus' actual body and blood with the bread and wine in this Sacrament and are united to him! We reserve this special meal for our members and those baptized Christians who are of our fellowship. We ask that you would please speak to pastor before communing at our churches.
Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, he commanded his church to baptize all people (Matt. 28:19). Baptism is a holy sacrament of the church, where water is applied to a person in the name of the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We baptize all people including infants. We believe that we daily renew and live in our baptisms by confessing our sins and receiving absolution (forgiveness). In addition to Baptism we honor Christ's command to teach and instruct those whom we baptize (Matt 28:20). We offer Youth Confirmation Classes, Adult Confirmation Classes, Bible Information Classes, Bible Studies, and weekly devotions.
If you are interested in Baptism and instruction in the Christian Faith please speak to our pastor!