“Do this in remembrance of me…” (Lk. 22:19)
Come join us as we rememember our blessed Savior, Jesus and all that he suffered on our behalf, and receive from him, his true body and blood in the Sacrament of Holy Communion!
“Do this in remembrance of me…” (Lk. 22:19)
Come join us as we rememember our blessed Savior, Jesus and all that he suffered on our behalf, and receive from him, his true body and blood in the Sacrament of Holy Communion!
Rock Dell 8:30 (July -December)
Sunday School (9:30 at Rock Dell)
Our Savior’s 10:45 am
Please join us for our live-stream on Sunday mornings at 10:45 am
at our YouTube Channel, Our Savior’s Belview