Our Savior's Lutheran Church
est. 1928
It all started in 1917...
The Norwegian Lutheran Synod in America was merging with two other churchbodies. This merger caused many in the Norwegian Synod to question whether their churchbody was remaining true to the truth of God's Word. A small group of these Lutherans felt that they could not in good conscience join in the merger of these three churchbodies. So, in 1918 they decided to form a new churchbody: the Evangelical Lutheran Synod. As a result, a group of Norwegian Lutherans in Belview, Minnesota decided to leave their Norwegian Synod congregation (First Lutheran, Belview), and form a new congregation that would become a part of the newly-formed Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Our Savior's Lutheran Church was established in 1928, and ever since this church has been dedicated to preserving the truth of God's Word to all generations!
Our Savior's is a little church with a big heart! A motto of the congregation that has developed over the years is taken from Jude 1:3, "Contend for the faith."