“Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed” (James 5:16).
Pastor will be availble for you to come and confess any sins to him and before God that may be burdening you or bothering your conscience, so that you may receive absolution, the powerful declaration of the forgiveness of all your sins that can heal your soul and lift you up!
You can come to the back door and head up the stairs to pastor’s office. If the door is closed, pastor is with someone else. You can feel free to wait in the sanctuary and pray and meditate if you would like. Remember, that whatever you confess is confidential and does not leave my office. Whatever you confess, God promises to forgive and to forget, and so the church and her pastors also forgive and forget.
“Of Confession we teach that Private Absolution ought to be retained in [our] churches…” The Lutheran Confession of faith, The Augsburg Confession, 1530.